Bus & Coach Services sprl was founded at the end of 2007, with purchasing and selling secondhand coaches and buses as its main goal. The first big step was taken in mid-2010 with the hiring of an open air parking area at Asse, which allowed for the holding of a stock of vehicles.. From early 2012, some coaches and buses were made available for hire, but only to professional customers. By the end of 2012, the company had moved to Waterloo, seizing the opportunity to hire a large garage with workshop and office.
But around mid-2013 the civil war started in Ukraine. By then, that country had become our biggest market for secondhand vehicle sales. But as a consequence of the civil war, sales to Ukraine completely disappeared and declined greatly in neighbouring countries.
When, in early 2014, an opportunity came to take over coach company TD Express based near Waterloo, the decision was quickly taken. Coach activities for schools, companies and clubs were started in March 2014. We organised our first excursion for the general public in December 2014, to the underground Christmas market at Valkenburg in the Netherlands. From 2015, Spring and Autumn excursions have been organised as well. To check our excursions programme, just click on this link.
Besides our own excursions, our coaches can be hired for all your trips, whether national or international. We also hire out our vehicles for other purposes, such as shooting video commercials or movies.
Our philosophy is “quality first”. We prefer to stay a small company offering excellent service rather than growing and offering just an everyday level of service. In order to guarantee this quality, we have our own workshop where our technician (with 25 years’ experience) takes excellent care of our coaches. These coaches are European brands, well known for their reliability, such as Van Hool and EOS. And finally, we are very strict in recruiting our drivers.
If you are considering organising an excursion for your school, company or youth club, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, by phoning 0032 (2) 657 58 05, 02 657 58 05 or by e-mail via email.
Finally, you can view our vehicles on the Our fleet page of the website or you can check the legislation on driving and rest periods. This can be useful if you want to estimate the driving times of the trip you are planning.