Sunday 18 December 2022 - Maastricht - winter excursion
Experience the winter atmosphere in Maastricht. In addition to the traditional Christmas market, you will find a Ferris wheel, an ice rink and a curling rink.Starting points:
1) Huizingen (shell Torleylaan): 8h00
2) Waterloo busstop TEC MacDo: 8h20
3) Groenendaal, train station: 8h30
Back around 19h30.
Adults : 25 euro - Teenagers (12-17 ans) : 16 euro
(enfants < 11 ans: free if accompanying a paying adult)
Included in this price : travel with 3*** or 4**** coach
Option: guided city tour: +13€ p.p. (min. 20 persons)
Info & bookings
by e-mail: or by phone : 02/657.58.05